Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Do I Know of Holy

"What Do I Know of Holy" -Addison Road

This is one of my favorite worship songs. Also, it reminds me of my past. Mostly in a good way. Before I moved to Maine I acted like what Addison Road talks about in this song. I didn't understand how great God is. When I went to camp I learned that there is so much more to God then just His stories in the Bible. He still can heal and He still can do miracles. This song tells you that there is more to God to what you know. No one will ever understand God until they go to heaven. God is more awesome then we can ever understand. Our human minds can't understand "What do I know of this love" Addison Road sings and that is completely true. God is bigger than the ocean and we have barely touched what God can do. God is AWESOME!!!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Letters to the President

"Letters to the President" by Hawk Nelson

This song is a GREAT way to get peoples attention on all the wrongings that are going on in this would. He only lists a few. But there is a major issue. Hawk Nelson did a great job on forming the lyrics right for this song. I can't listen to this song enough. I wish I could plug it in to all the ratio stations and show people what they are doing wrong. Its not a letter to the President, it is letters to everyone! Although, in the beginning I do need to change the words to fit me. Seeing that I'm a girl I don't want to say "girls and professional sports" I'm going to put "boys and professional clothes". You can use that if you want too also girls. I think it fits more for girls. I LOVE this song.